Image credit: Stirling Council

NEWS: Ancient Roman road discovered in a garden in Stirling, Scotland

A 2,000 year old Roman road has been uncovered in the garden of a cottage located a few miles from the city centre of Stirling in Scotland. The dig was led by Stirling Council archaeologist Dr Murray Cook. Dr Cook started the project as a training dig for local volunteers and students. He said of the find:

“It is the most important road in Scottish history so it’s an amazing discovery. To literally walk where Wallace and Bruce went, let alone the Romans, Picts and Vikings is astonishing. The road ceased to be maintained after the Romans left so it became an eroded hollow and what we have found is the eroded surface of the road.”

This ‘most important road in Scottish history’ is the road that the Romans used for their attempted expansions into Caledonia (the Roman name for the area that is now Scotland). This would include the campaigns of legendary Roman governor Gnaeus Julius Agricola who used the road to move his armies further north and secure strategic locations and frontiers. These frontiers reached the full length of Scotland as demonstrated by the Battle of Mons Graupius which was fought in north-eastern Scotland in 83/84 AD. The battle saw Agricola’s Roman army defeat the army of Caledonian tribal leader Calgacus. The border of the Roman empire expanded into Scotland under emperor Antoninus Pius, who built the Antonine Wall in the Scottish midlands (work on the wall begun in 142 AD). This territorial expansion did not last long though, with Roman legions withdrawing back to the original frontier of Hadrian’s Wall in 162 AD under the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius. Even after the period of Roman occupation, the road will have seen great use to travel up and down Scotland as well as for the crossing of the river Forth and access to Stirling, the medieval capital of Scotland.

Stirling Council leader Councillor Chris Kane said of the find:

“Stirling’s place at the heart of Scotland and the heart of Scottish history is something we are very proud of Understanding more about the route of the Roman Road adds another chapter to share with the many visitors who come from around the world to experience all that Stirling has to offer.”

Next year marks the 900th anniversary of Stirling’s founding.

By Alex Willimott
